Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Baby Blanket

Sunday, April 6, 2008
WooHoo...Im a winner!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Stop and smell the flowers....

Friday, March 28, 2008
Im a Kangaroo!!!

We went to the zoo on Easter and had a wonderful time. The kids ogled at the animals and ran themselves ragged. It was really a wonderful time..until the end that is.
We took the boys into the gift shop to pick a toy and they chose giraffes ( of course their favorites ). After we buy their giraffes we stepped outside to wait for our friends to finish inside. There was a pretty painted lion statue by the exit and i had my husband take a picture of Ian and I. I check the picture to verify that it is indeed a good one and put my camera in the drink tray on the stroller so i can take a picture of my friend and her son with the lion. She peeks her head outside of the gift shop and tells me to come check something out. So i look while Jay and Ian throw out some trash. After we finish checking out the funny pink flamingo slippers she has found i turn to look and see where Jay is ( i still have my hand on the stroller ) so i can start heading his was. I find him in the crowd of people turn to push the stroller in his direction and my camera is GONE!!! Some effin bastard stole my $300 camera at the zoo; in a matter of like 5 seconds! And of course no one saw anything....So now all my pictures are gone and all i have is my kangaroo picture off my friends cell phone. And i had a few other special pictures on there as well... Like when Landon was born, just in case my computer for some strange reason crashed i would have a back-up ( cause im OCD like that ) Im so upset and angry... all i can think of is some weirdo looking at my families pictures....just great!
Happy Easter to me!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Brave little one
Maybe you thought i was lost...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
30TM :: D9
I did a pretty good job.... if i do say so myself that is ;)
Monday, February 11, 2008
30TM :: D8
I just love it when they can play together nicely. No arguments, no screaming, just fun. I hope they are eachothers best friends in life!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
30TM :: D7
It has been so rainy and gloomy here the past 2 or 3 weeks. Today we got up and the sun was shining no clouds in the sky. It was beautiful! So we got all our morning things out of the way. Packed our lunch. And walked to the park. The boys had a blast, it was so nice not to be couped up in the house. Thanks goodness for sunshine and happy kids!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
30TM :: D6
So much fun! This is a special treat cause these boys are sure getting big! Notice how Landon looks like he is stuck to the celing...so funny!
Monday, February 4, 2008
30TM :: D5
Its my happy!
Oh to be a child again... the simple things that entertain you. Much like the box that gets played with instead of the expensive toy. My son loves to color and play with play dough....But for some reason we never thought to get him paints. Strange, I know! We always go down the coloring isle and today we happened upon a nice art set, which included paints. As we were browsing the store we talked about the paints and how fun they were. He was excited! As soon as we got home he asked for his paints, I got him all set up and off he went. He had a blast! Half-way through his 4th page I asked him what he was painting..... "It's my happy!" he said matter of factly.
Eco Tip: Slow down to cut costs and cut carbon! Slowing down from 75 mph to 65 mph will drop your highway gasoline consumption 15 percent.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
30TM :: D4
Rocking out...
Playing RockBand at our friends house. Oh, to get out of the house and have a night out...so nice! You forget what adult conversation is like when you are around a 1 and 3 yr old all day...lol
Ian is so intense when playing the guitar! I swear he is going to do somthing with music when he grows up.
Eco tip: Daylighting your house can save money and energy. Turn off those lights and bring in the sun!
Try this...
Let me know how far u get!
Friday, February 1, 2008
30TM :: D3
Sleepy little boys...
I always love looking at the boys when they are sleeping. Their little relaxed faces; every so often a smile will curve their pouty lips. How fast it is that they have gone from helpless infants to running around being big boys. Before i know it they will both be in school. The thought of even that is awe striking to me. Its somehow crazy to think they will grow up and be big strong men one day. At least to me they will always be my babies. Even if they do insist they are "big boys".
I love you for ever
I like you for always
As long as im living
My baby you'll be
Eco Tip: Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! From newspaper, to egg cartons, to organic materials such as leaves and yard clippings, lots of things can be recycled. Even coffee grounds can be used as fertilizer for some plants. So don't throw away what you can use again!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
30TM :: D2
Bath time is so much fun....
Who knew playing with a water funnel could be so intense, it takes great amounts of concentration and just the right amount of water.
The boys just love the water, they could sit and play in there for hours. Little fishes!
Eco Tip: Bring Your Own Bag: You'll save one mile's worth of petroleum for every 14 plastic bags you don't use. Not to mention cut down on pollution-we throw away over 30 billion one time use bags each year.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
30 Tiny Moments...
She is participating in 30 tiny moments...documenting the right now of life. I beleive it was started by Soul Mama. Anyways...im gonna do it too. So you can find my set here and if u want to join in just load you pictures to Flicker and tag them "30tinymoments" Should be fun to see a peice of everyones day :)
My favorite pancake makin buddy! I cant even think about making pancakes without my little Ians help. Cooking is one of his favorite things to do.
Eco Tip:
If everyone took 30 seconds to inflate their tires to the proper pressure we would save 200,000 barrels of oil a day!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Feelin Crafty!
Now all i need is to find the time...oh it'll happen, im gonna do it!
Cause i cant even sleep at night ( dorky i know ) cause of all the ideas i have running through ny head. LOL!
I will post pics as soon as i finish somthin.
Take care!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Birthday Cake
But im getting off track... My brothers bday....